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Delaware Department of
Technology & Information

Delaware Department of Technology & Information

Delaware Broadband Grant Opportunity

Pursuant to Title 26, Subchapter VII – A Telecommunications Technology Investment Act of the Public Utilities Act of 1974, the State of Delaware has created the “Delaware Broadband Fund” (Fund) to support and enhance broadband services in the State’s public schools and public libraries and for rural broadband initiatives in unserved areas of the State.

For Phase II, the intent is to award funds to incentivize the implementation of one or more pilot projects in two categories:

  • Wireless broadband networks offering subscription-based broadband services to households and businesses in geographies identified as unserved based on wired broadband availability and adoption rates.
  • Municipal wireless networks in, at least, the downtown portions of incorporated municipalities which offer services such as connectivity for municipal operations, subscription services for downtown businesses, residents, and visitors, and public Wi-Fi in designated areas.

Vendors capable of providing wireless solutions will be evaluated for capability, viability of project design and participant recruitment strategies along with economic sustainability of pilot projects beyond the pilot period. Specific projects, amounts and terms shall be approved by a majority of the Delaware Broadband Fund Committee, comprised of the DTI’s Engineering Team Leader, DelDOT’s Traffic Management Center Manager, DEDO’s Director of Infrastructure & Inter-Governmental Relations, DTI’s Controller and OMB’s Deputy Director (“Committee”). All funds shall be distributed prior to July 1, 2018.

For inquiries regarding the mandatory site tour request form and /or scheduling contact Chris Cohan at

After Friday, March 31, 2017, please direct all questions or requests for application assistance to Chris Cohan at or via phone at 739-9500.

DTI would like to thank all the vendors the participated in the Mandatory Site Visits and in the bids process.

  • Proposals Due NLT: 4/6/2017 at 3:00 p.m.
  • Bid Opening: 4/18/2014 at 9:00 a.m.
  • Contract Award: Award to occur within 20 business days of bid opening.

Awarded Vendors
Received Proposals
Addendum #3 to Delaware Broadband Fund Phase II
Addendum #2 to Delaware Broadband Fund Phase II
Addendum #1 to Delaware Broadband Fund Phase II
Delaware Broadband Fund Grant Phase II Applicant Guide
DTI Delaware Broadband Grant Application
Mandatory Site Tour Request Form
Freedom of Information Act Information

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