If you have any questions, please contact the Customer Engagement Team.
Agency | Customer Engagement Specialist (CES) | Information Resource Manager (IRM) | Alternate IRM |
Appoquinimink School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | James Brignola 302-376-4112 | Daniel Caldwell 302-376-4281 |
Brandywine School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Patty Staker 302-529-3100 ext 200 | Kenneth Wells 302-529-3100 ext 202 |
Caesar Rodney School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Austin Dukes 302-488-1172 | Meaghan Brennan 302-766-4294 |
Cape Henlopen School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Michael League 302-644-7920 | James King 302-644-7920 |
Capital School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Benjamin Wells 302-857-4899 | Jesse Shrader 302-857-4899 |
Christina School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Robert Goff 302-454-2400 ext 43102 | Robert Vacca 302-552-2639 |
Colonial School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Kathleen Cale 302-323-2854 | Joseph Kite 302-323-2854 |
Delmar School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Terri Sensenig 302-846-9544 | Vacant |
Indian River School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Daniel Mann 302-436-1000 | Carisa Daisey 302-436-1000 |
Lake Forest School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | B. Terry Loving 302-284-3020 | Orlando Truitt 302-284-3020 |
Laurel School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Michael Brown 302-875-6195 | Sean Bundick 302-875-6195 |
Milford School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Adam Richardson 302-672-6707 | Vacant |
New Castle County VoTech | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Steve Mancini 302-995-8014 | Scott Fisher 302-256-5324 |
Polytech School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Timothy Atwood 302-697-3255 ext 1650 | Abigael Miller 302-697-3255 ext 1651 |
Red Clay School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Anthony Clemmons 302-995-7755 | Philip Smallwood 302-995-7763 |
Seaford School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Patches Hill 302-629-4587 ext 1130 | Vacant |
Smyrna School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | George (Jody) Sweeney 302-653-3787 | Shandy Wannamaker 302-653-2754 |
SussexTech School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Frank Deo 302-856-0961 | Josh Kunde 302-856-0961 |
Woodbridge School District | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Marshall Downes 302-245-8681 | Katie Willey 302-337-8289 |
Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Wayne Kingston 302-351-8200 | Asier Costas 302-351-8200 |
Academy of Dover | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Michele Marinucci 302-674-0684 | Debra Gerardi 302-674-0684 |
BASSE | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Chantalle Ashford 302-344-8343 | Vacant |
Campus Community | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Zander Slody 302-736-0403 | Janet Elston 302-736-0403 |
Charter School of New Castle | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Anthony Turner 302-259-0347 | Robert Morrell 856-649-5730 |
Charter School of Wilmington | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Malik Lopez 302-651-2727 | Patrick Liberato 302-651-2727 |
Delaware Military Academy | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Raheem West 302-998-0745 | John Grant 302-998-0745 |
Early College School at DelState | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Nyia McCants 302-857-6700 | Thomas Morgan 302-857-3510 |
East Side Charter School | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Sean Moran | Nicholas Medaglio 302-573-1201 |
First State Military Academy | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Phil Malstrom 302-674-4064 | Vacant |
First State Montessori Academy | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Liz Madden 302-576-1500 | Meaghan Harris 302-576-1500 |
Freire Charter School Wilmington | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Rob Kaufman 302-407-4800 | Stan Harmon 302-407-4800 |
Gateway Charter School | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Michael Purcell 302-633-4091 | Pamela Draper 302-633-4091 |
Great Oaks Charter School | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Wayne Kingston 302-660-4790 | Vacant |
Kuumba Academy Charter School | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Wayne Kingston 302-660-4750 | Sally Maldonado 302-660-4750 |
Las Americas ASPIRA Academy | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Kevin Hudson 302-292-1463 | Ernie McGrath 302-292-1463 |
MOT Charter | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Craig Prucyk 302-696-2002 | Rachael Dallas 302-696-2000 |
Newark Charter | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Jeff Donaldson 302-369-2001 | Patrick Walters 302-369-2001 |
Odyssey Charter | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Dino Charalambides 305-516-8000 | Christopher Cuprak 305-516-8000 |
Positive Outcomes | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Edward J Emmett 302-697-8805 | William Kobus 302-697-8805 |
Providence Creek | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Phil Malmstrom 302-653-6276 | Denise Stouffer 302-653-6276 |
Sussex Academy | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Jeff Shade 302-856-3636 ext 1030 | Vacant |
Sussex Montesorri | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Precious Benson 302-404-5367 | Vacant |
Thomas Edison | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Elizabeth Yates 302-420-5588 | Jeffrey Scott 302-588-7079 |
Delaware State University (DSU) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Nyia McCants 302-857-6700 | Thomas Morgan 302-857-3510 |
Delaware Technical and Community College (DTCC) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Vacant | Vacant |
University of Delaware (UoD) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Vacant | Vacant |
Auditor of Accounts (AOA) | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Tori Parker 302-857-3933 | Andrea Bayline 302-857-3942 |
Board of Parole | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Vacant | Vacant |
Criminal Justice Council (CJC) | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Dale McDine 302-577-8696 | Amanda Bohall 302-577-8698 |
Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education (DACCTE) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Ann Breeding 302-995-8592 | Christopher Stahl 302-995-8592 |
Delaware Department of Justice (DOJ/AG) | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Matthew Jamison 302-577-5061 | Geneer Johnson 302-577-8482 |
Delaware Emergency Management Agency(DEMA) | Shannon Mitchell 302-354-8828 | Jonathan Rutledge 302-659-2354 | Robert Halley 302-659-2227 |
Delaware Justice Information System (DELJIS) | Mike Borreggine 302-257-3449 | Dominic Carretto 302-739-4856 | Spencer Price 302-739-4856 |
Delaware National Guard | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Craig Ross 302-326-7022 | Donovan Anderson 302-326-7154 |
Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) | Curtis Harris 404-518-6882 | Taneya Maddox 302-739-9545 | Anthony Williams 302-739-0228 |
Delaware State Police (DSP) | Shannon Mitchell 302-354-8828 | James Cashnelli 302-672-5363 | Ken Allen 302-672-5362 |
Department of Agriculture (DDA) | Curtis Harris 404-518-6882 | Jimmy Kroon 302-698-4533 | Vacant |
Department of Correction (DOC) | Michelle Wright 302-739-9810 | Philip Winder 302-857-5282 | Patrick Adams 302-857-5337 |
Department of Education (DOE) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Daniel Cahall 302-735-4140 | Jacquelyn Carter 302-735-4151 |
Department of Elections | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | DeWayne Lehman 302-735-3776 | Ross Smith 302-739-4277 |
Department of Finance (DOF) | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | Mike Myron 302-577-8671 | Charles Mason 302-577-8999 |
Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) | Michelle Wright 302-739-9810 | Bill Clancy 302-255-9991 | Jarrett Francis 302-255-9211 |
Department of Human Resources (DHR) | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | John Greenage 302-672-5124 | Christopher Horton 302-672-5112 |
Department of Insurance | Mike Borreggine 302-257-3449 | Tim Li 302-674-7332 | Vacant |
Department of Labor (DOL) | Michelle Wright 302-739-9810 | Erich Heintz 302-761-8017 | Patti Gawinski 302-761-8105 |
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Colleen Gause 302-739-9237 | Vacant |
Department of Safety and Homeland Security (DSHS) | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | Shannon Mitchell 302-354-8828 | Vacant |
Department of Services for Children Youth and their Families (DSCYF, aka KIDS) | Michelle Wright 302-739-9810 | Jason Kilpatrick 302-633-2594 | Russell Proctor 302-633-2565 |
Department of State (DOS) & Delaware Small Business and Tourism | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | Sarah Denison 302-857-4632 | Michelle Strauss 302-857-4639 |
Department of Technology and Information (DTI) | Isabella Kaplan (DTI) 302-739-9743 | Sarah Denison (DTI) 302-8547-3645 | Vacant |
Department of Transportation (DelDOT) | Michael Borreggine 302-257-3449 | Todd Reavis 302-760-2606 | Beverly Swiger 302-760-2635 |
Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) | Eve Motichka 302-739-9673 | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Lacie Spence 302-608-3799 |
Judicial Branch (JIC) | Michelle Wright 302-739-9810 | Kenneth Kelemen 302-325-8313 | Vacant |
Office of Defense Services | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Chris McGonigle 302-577-5156 | Sam Cucinotta 302-526-5950 |
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | John Greenage 302-672-5124 | Chris Horton 302-672-5112 |
Office of Management and Budget - Pensions (OMB) | Isabella Kaplan 302-739-9743 | Eddie Sparpaglione 302-744-4449 | Vacant |
Office of the Governor | Sarah Denison 302-857-3645 | Aundrea Almond | Mary Ladely |
Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Sarah Denison 302-857-3645 | Oluwapelumi Adesina | Charline Ganthier |
Office of the State Treasurer (OST) | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Mark Miller 302-672-6706 | Ramona Bracy 302-672-6728 |
State Fire Prevention Commission | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Paul Kanich (DTI) 302-739-9695 | Jerry Brennan 302-241-2668 |
State Legislature | Paul Kanich 302-739-9695 | Lindsay Lewis 302-744-4204 | Angel Burack 302-744-4227 |
Agency | CES | IRM | Alternate IRM |