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Delaware Department of Technology & Information

My Delaware and Delaware ID – Use Cases

State of Delaware Identity and Access Management
Use Case Examples

State agencies wishing to facilitate and protect access to their applications can complete a ServiceNow Onboarding Single Sign-On Request via the IT ServiceNow Portal or contact the Partner Services Engagement team for more information.

Case 1 – Choice of Internal or External Login

  1. Application owner’s customer website presents user with choice of logging in using their Delaware ID (state/ or other (public/myDelaware) credentials.
Screenshot of the Public Integrity Reporting System sign in screen with two buttons visible - Sign In, and Other Sign In.

Case 2 – Access via Dashboard

  1. Login using credentials.
  2. An application is directly assigned to the user, on the myDelaware dashboard.
  3. A user’s application assignment happens using one of the following methods:
    • myDelaware Group Rule (user is a member of an application owner’s pre-populated/established group)
    • Employee Self-Service Rule (user is a member [e.g., benefit eligible state employee] of the ESS group)
    • CSV File upload (user is assigned based on matching a record on a CSV file upload)
    • Wrapper class using API
Three screenshots - logging into, the application screen, and the eStar dashboard screen.

Case 3 – Request Access via Dashboard

  1. Access Through Request for Application to be Added via my.Delaware Dashboard
  2. Login with my.Delaware credentials. Use “Add apps” to browse for and request an application be added. The user is added to the application owner’s database before requesting the application.
Screenshot of the Applicaiton Catalog screen, with the request button circled.

Case 4 – Redirect for Access

  1. Log in through the application owner’s customer website which collects credentials before granting access.
    • Instructions are given to user to add the application, using the dashboard
    • Request from myDelaware is send to the application owner’s approver to grant the user’s access
Screenshot of the Applicaiton Catalog screen, with the add button circled.

Case 5 – Application Assignment Requiring Proofed Identity

  1. Business user completes my.Delaware registration choosing the employer. This choice presents the business user with the Identity Proofing process.
  2. The application is assigned only after completion of identity proofing.
Screenshot of the create account screen, and the my applications screen.

Case 6 – Application Assignment Requiring Proofed Identity

  1. Users are presented the choice to log in using legacy credentials OR my.Delaware credentials via the application owner’s customer website.
Screenshot of the Delaware General Assembly Grant in Aid screen with two option buttons circled, login and register.

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