Delaware Department of
Technology & Information

Delaware Department of Technology & Information

Zoom Security Tips


This document outlines Zoom security features that help prevent disruptions and intrusions to Zoom meetings.


Meeting or Webinar

First, understand that a “meeting” is a fully collaborative online event, allowing all participants to potentially interact with the host(s) and each other. A “webinar” is different: it allows the host(s) and pre-designated panelists to present audio and visual material, including screen-shared material to observer attendees who only participate via polling, chat, Q&A, and perhaps by audio if unmuted by the host.

Plan for Hosting Success: Private versus Public

If a meeting is private, and intended for a specific group of attendees, do not share meeting links and passwords on social media. Distribute this information via email only to those who are invited to attend. If possible, larger public video conferences should use the webinar protocol, which restricts presenting and screensharing to the host and designated panelists unless the host expressly grants attendees the ability to actively participate. Remember that certain security protections may only be available to a host (not to co-hosts); security updates allow a host to designate a replacement host if the host needs to leave mid-session.

Keep Zoom Up To Date

Zoom has been releasing updates weekly since the beginning of April. A host should open the Zoom app and, from the Home window, “check for updates” (usually by clicking on the circle with initials in the upper right corner of the window—see example, below) to assure that the most recent version of the software is running. Security enhancements help prevent unauthorized “zoombombing” (sharing of offensive/inappropriate material) of meetings by uninvited guests and offer hosts security tools to allow them to quickly address any disruptions.


Settings and Meeting Controls

Meeting settings can be accessed two ways:

  1. From the Home screen, before initiating a meeting, by clicking on the gear symbol, upper right corner (below the circle with your initials)
  2. From the meeting window, by clicking on the shield symbol in the upper left corner.

Settings Window

The Settings window is where you will find a variety of meeting controls for personalizing Zoom: Video, Audio, Share Screen, Chat, Virtual Background, Recording, Profile, Statistics, Feedback, Keyboard Shortcuts, and Accessibility (including closed captioning)

Meeting Controls Bar

In the meeting window, meeting controls appear at the bottom of the Zoom meeting window.

By clicking the Security icon, hosts and co-hosts have an all-in-one place to quickly manage the session. The options below are linked to more in-depth Zoom information and trainings available on the website.

  • Lock the Meeting Enabling this feature once all attendees have joined helps secure the meeting against unwelcome participants being able to join automatically.
  • Enable the Waiting Room (even if it’s not already enabled) The Waiting Room is similar to a lobby: hosts and co-hosts can move attendees between actively participation in a meeting/ webinar to inactive status by moving the into the Waiting Room
  • Report a User Allows reporting a user to Zoom. You can also provide details and screenshots.
  • Remove Participants Allows the removal of a meeting attendee who cannot rejoin unless “Allow removed participants to rejoin” is enabled in the Meeting Settings.
  • Restrict participants’ ability to:
    Share their screens
    Chat in a meeting
    Rename themselves
    Annotate on the host’s shared content


Hosts can manage participants and chat by clicking on either icon on the meeting control bar, which opens a panel with buttons
allowing the host to mute and unmute participants, as well as control who is in the meeting and admit attendees from the waiting room.


Clicking “More” brings up options for muting participants, as well as locking the meeting and playing a chime when participants enter or leave.


Video help on security features is available from Zoom or check out other Zoom training.

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