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Delaware Department of
Technology & Information

Delaware Department of Technology & Information

ITC Glossary

Consumption-based IT model
The use of IT products or services billed according to actual usage as opposed to a fixed rate.

Legacy ITC
A state entity that previously became a centralized partner with DTI before the new SEUS implementation strategy.

Shared Service Cost Model
Total cost of ownership (resources, assets, investments needed to provide a certain level of IT service) is recovered (via “chargeback model”) by billing for the actual cost of services consumed.

Service Tower or Stack
The assets and supporting resources that provide IT services in a specific area (e.g., Mainframe, Data Center, Network Connectivity, Service Desk Support, etc.)

SEUS (Secure End User Services)
Secure End User Services (SEUS) equitably delivers the essential technologies and tools for a productive, secure State workforce. Agencies and workers benefit from standard enterprise tools, security, training, governance, and 24x7x365 support. SEUS is comprised of six enterprise components: Service Desk, Desktop, Network/Connectivity, Voice Services, Email/Collaboration, and Security Suite. These critical services are funded by a consumption-based (per-employee/month) cost recovery model.

Show-back (for Shared Services Cost Model)
A simulated or memo monthly billing documenting annual realized IT usage and providing a detailed annual bill for those costs. The cost basis is shown to the consuming agency without billing for those services.

PSA (Partner Service Level Agreement)
A formal agreement that confirms expectations, clarifies responsibilities, and facilitates communication between the service provider and the client. Source:

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
The investment cost includes the initial purchase, licensing, annual fees, upgrades, personnel, and other items throughout the lifecycle.

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