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Delaware Department of Technology & Information

Guide to Online Meetings and Conference Calls

Microsoft Teams is the preferred cloud-based service for online meetings and conferencing. Microsoft Teams is enabled for all state agencies. External attendees ( email) can attend a Teams meeting by connecting via the link or telephone number provided in the invitation. All types of Teams Meetings offer the ability to screen share, display a presentation or other visuals, poll the audience, and record for future viewing. Recordings capture audio, video, and screen-sharing activity.

If you want to initiate an impromptu meeting with one or more colleagues or provide a link that can be easily shared in an email or message, use the “Meet Now” feature found in the Teams Calendar. When you need to “schedule” a meeting, there are three (3) types of Teams Meetings available:


A Meeting is best used for team or department meetings with less than 1,000 attendees. While one person is the originator of the meeting, everyone in the meeting can mute/unmute themselves, turn on/off their camera, share, and present a screen, start recording/transcription. This is not the meeting to choose if you need better control of the attendee’s actions in the meeting. To create and send this type meeting invitation, go to your Outlook Calendar, and select “Teams Meeting” and “Schedule Meeting” from the menu bar. Alternatively, you can directly create a meeting invite within the Teams Calendar. The invitation includes all the necessary information for the participants to join the meeting.


Webinar provides a configurable attendee registration process. Webinars are a more structured venue. By default, audio and video permissions are turned off for attendees. The organizer and presenter controls audience participation. Webinars are best suited for hosting up to 1,000 attendees. A webinar can be created from your Outlook Calendar by selecting “Teams Meeting” and “Webinar” from the menu bar. Or from the Teams Calendar select the dropdown beside the “+ New meeting” and then select “Webinar”. Share the event site and link on a website or send it via email or Teams Chat to people so they can register to attend.

Training Resources: Get started with Teams Webinars. Schedule a webinar in MS Teams.

Live Event

Live Event enables meeting organizers to broadcast video and meeting content to a large online audience, up to 10,000 attendees. The organizer of a Live Event controls everything that is seen by the audience. The setup for a Teams Live Event is a little different from a regular Teams meeting. When scheduling a live event in Teams, it only sends the calendar invite to the event organizer and designated event team members. As a Live Event organizer, one of your responsibilities is sharing the event link with attendees.

Training Resources: Plan & Schedule a Live Event. Schedule a Live Event in MS Teams.


View this Microsoft Teams Meeting Comparison document to learn more about the differences between Teams Meeting, Webinar, and Live Event. The Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways and Delaware Learning Center offer extensive educational videos for Microsoft Teams.

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