Do you need to find a specific form?
This page provides general forms as well as those for change control, co-locate and access/designation.
View MoreFind information and tools for State of Delaware employees who are approved for remote access (telework), as well as for employees who continue to work at the office.
Who is my Customer Engagement Specialist?
The Customer Engagement Specialist acts as the liaison between DTI and our partner agencies. They strive to foster a beneficial relationship while ensuring business needs are met through efficient, innovative and secure IT solutions.
View MoreDelaware Information Technology Centralization’s goal is IT Efficiency, along with delivering cost-effective support of digital government services. Delaware began its IT Centralization initiative nearly two decades ago with the creation of DTI. ITC progress continues as Delaware’s technology landscape continues to evolve.
Delaware offers a single validated identity, built on Okta’s single sign-on solution, to anyone doing business with Delaware government for secure transactions across many agencies. A Delaware ID offers the state workforce unparalleled ease of use to access a more secure state network.
Working with DTI and not sure how to do something?
Check out some of DTI’s business processes to see if they can help!
View MoreLearn about all the GIS services offered, including FirstMap and all its features!
This site is the landing page for all of DTI’s GIS support, including FirstMap, and the ESRI Enterprise License Agreement (ELA).
View MoreThe State of Delaware is planning the launch of a digital government transaction platform, Go DE, for residents and visitors. Go DE will provide a new, delightful, and easy online portal for Delawareans and visitors, making it easier to get things done with Delaware government.
View MoreDo you need information on the IT business case process? Or maybe you need to submit a business case or check on the progress of one you’ve submitted?
Here’s where you’ll find that information.
View MoreFollow the 365 website to keep up with the latest news and messages regarding MS365 initiatives:
Moving to Office 365View MS Customer Success Team Webinar recordings, Recommended playlists, MyHub Governance Training, as well as Microsoft 365 training videos.
Microsoft 365 Learning PathwaysGet all the information you need from the State of Delaware
Delaware Notification Services Statewide Subscription PortalThe DTI Service Descriptions are designed to give customers an introduction to those items (products or services) that can be requested or ordered.
If you’re interested in anything you see here or if you can’t find what you need, contact your Customer Engagement Specialist.
View MoreDTI utilizes ServiceNow to provide IT Service Management (ITSM). For several years, DTI has applied the Incident, Change, Problem and Request Management features to support and manage their array of centralized services. The ServiceNow platform is also leveraged by other State agencies to track and manage non-IT tickets for their customers.
View MoreVisit the IT Self-Service Portal to open a ticket for assistance, order services or access knowledge base articles.
View MoreIn late 2003, the Technology and Architecture Standards Committee (TASC) was created. In cooperation with the IRM subcommittee on policies and standards, a process was adopted to develop enterprise standards that are comprehensive and current. The standards are to be drafted in a collaborative way and periodically reviewed.
View MoreThe Department of Technology and Information’s (DTI) Procurement Office is the liaison between the Department and the Vendor Community to deliver products and services at the best value and in the best interest of the State. The Procurement Office oversees all DTI contracts and facilitates the procurement process on behalf of the Department.
View MoreRelated Topics: agency, portal, State Agencies